Wednesday, April 4

satellite feeds

By the time u understand how the digital world works, and that how codes based on simple binary system could keep representation of life and the real world forever, well theoritically, i know u would start to enquire this. but understand this first. no matter how much the representation resembles the life, there is nothing more important than life itself. and so, whatever u will be end up doing, or things that u will be developing, never lose this essence so that u wont be too lost even if u do lost your way, life takes priority. this piece of wisdom is brought to you by Isaac Asimov through his works in I, Robot. the book, not the movie.

and oh, yeah here's some of your earliest picture post-birth. possible an hour or so-enough time for the nurses to clean u up, for me to recite the azan to your ear, while holding u Lion King style, enough time for the good doctor to fix ur mother up and brought her to her room. when all of the important things are done, and evrything is stable and resting and food has been eaten, then i rushed to the babies room to snaps some pictures of you, through a glass window. wouldnt want u and your fellow just-born collegues to be friendly yet with germs.

this was when i was using that retched iPaq as a sorry excuse for a smartphone. u see this was the time when HP just merged (bought?) with Compaq. the quality wasnt good, but its all i have to snaps pictures of you. and snaps i did. the hospital wrapped you around with tigger and pooh motives on a yellow landscape blanket, which i thought they're giving it to each newborn. which was a wrong assumption, i found out a little while later. :)

lousy camera that iPaq. no shutter speed priority, no aperture setting, no manual focus, not even a decent LED flash. but these pictures are priceless. a treasure i would carry on forever. the ones taken by the phone camera. and definitely the one taken by my eyes and memory..