Monday, December 5

the 2nd coming

like your brother, u come unassuming and un-announced. we'd thought we'd know ur game plan. we even try to change the rule a bit by choosing ur birthdate and timing but i guess God knows best and the best planner of all.

it was the night before u were born. we were ready for the planned adventure. weeks before we were having this little talk on how we can plan things up. that a little drip of fluid can help u decide to come out there and then. since ur already full term, well the early part of it, we'd go along. after all it would be easier and less risk compared to a emergency wailing across rush hour traffic jam of Kuala Lumpur. you're a Prince Court Medical Centre after all, right at the smack of KL rush hour centre. well maybe not in the middle but close enough.

where was i, son? oh yeah the agreeing. i must note that i didnt quite agree to it. it seems unnatural, trying to push u to decide to come out. u must make the decision. call me old school but the baby will chose when to introduce himself. but i'd go along, dragging my feet away.

there are advantages. we plan all day. and we even left ur big brother at TokBak and TokMak house. says goodbye, and choose our sweet time to travel. it was quiet the travel. this time the destination matters as well, but the journey as usual, matters too.

it rained quite heavily that night. that's one more similarities between ur birth and Danish, rain. i suppose a washing is what this world need to welcome u, son. i was having a bad migrain before we left. i think the both of us says our good bye with heavy heart. there is a slight thought, a quiver, a renegade feeling that this might be the last goodbye. but i shove it as soon as it started to spore. shove it far far away, buried deep beneath whats more important. focus. u and ur mother needs me. so go away all fears and misguided thoughts. focus.

and there we were in the Proton Persona car, the one with the burberry tea colour that was the family car, trodding along towards the inevitable. the night was clear i remember. it was dark, and there was no moon, but i remember thinking to myself how clear the air was. and there was many cars on the road. no jam though but many still. shouldn't the world stop for a while? shouldnt everything wait? the 2nd coming is near. we didnt talk so much. i remember smiling and trying to cheer up ur mother. this is the part where i hate. u see, son, its a place where i cant do much. because it will be between u and ur mother for the most part. when its time for u to wait for ur child, u will understand this agony of inability.

we were to check in into the ward. it was a nice room. even my bed was nice. the view was great as well. the plan was, that we'd get ur mother on the drip, and by the time the drip ended in the morning, u will be ready to come. but surprise surprise, like ur brother, the midwife check and sighed. much to my delight, she cant give ur mother the drip. it seems, that far from letting the world push u to a decision, u have decided.

and so we spent that night, the night before u were born at this hotel called PCMC. the food was great! but tht's another post altogether. and the view was to die for. this is how KLCC looks like after midnight, son.

all in all, ur coming was a lot calmer, and a lot faster than Danish. but ur mother being the warrior woman that she is, decline any epidural again. it was a bigger labor room. there's a LCD TV. the nurses were better, more experienced. and this time i didnt let u out of my sight. they did everything in the room. and they let me proclaim the Azan to ur ears before anything else. the good doctor did offer me to cut ur unbillical cords. i declined. because its not important. ur important. and it was all there is. u have cometh.