Tuesday, February 1

the bleed

baby no. 2, it happened twice. the first time was when we didn't know you've arrived. that was our excuse. ur different than during danish time as far as i can remember.a little bit more drama, as the good doctor put it.

i thought that was it, it came because we were'nt aware of u and now that we do, everything will be well. and then the 2nd bleed came. it was just after we did a small family ghatering at our place, and as usual ur mother did more legwork than she should. all mothers are like that. we quickly went to the emergency room at Prince Court Medical Centre as the good doctor is taking care of 2 labouring patients and asks us to go to ER. i'd rolled with that. it irks me this emergency room when were there, i'd say PCMC is a 5 star hotel, and 3 star ER. 'nuff said.

danish while waiting at the ER

i truly hope the maternity ward is better. we went again to see the doctor a few days afterwards. actually we went to another doctor the day after the ER because they didn't even to bother to scan you there. it seems at month 5 the placenta is a bit downward when its supposed to be upward. scared ur mom to bits though the good doctor says not to worry, if it still doesnt moved upwards in a few more weeks, then u can worry. definitely more drama. i just want you to know although i prayed that all is well from here on, i'm up for all the drama God intended for us, all of it. all the way. so does ur mother. don't you shy away, now. please, God, don't.

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